Thursday, June 28, 2012

We need more than adverts to stop jams

THE principle of encouraging people to get out of their cars and therefore ease congestion on the roads is a good one. And the idea that bikes could provide an alternative for some drivers is equally valid. Whether, of course, spending £24 million on promoting such a change will prove value for money is another matter.

Especially when a staggering £14 million of that is being given to advertising the merits of the campaign.

People are not stupid. They do not need to be brow beaten, nor do they need to be educated.

Virtually everyone recognises the benefits of exercise. And many, given the choice, would cycle. But riding a bike to work is an option only for a minority of people.

For families and for people living some distance outside of Bristol it is just not practical. And therefore if the government and our local councils are serious about encouraging people out of their cars they need to help provide an alternative.

And a viable alternative at that. That means giving money to improve public transport.

We have a plan in Bristol to develop our local rail services using lines, the majority of which, already exist.

That could genuinely give people an alternative to driving their cars regardless of where they live.

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