Friday, October 26, 2012

Letters: Voting rights, Prop 8, Kountz cheerleaders

The writer suggests exploring a constitutional amendment to address the issue of guaranteeing voting rights. While the writer is, as far as I can see, correct in his assertion that the U.S. Constitution itself does not guarantee the right to vote, there are four amendments to the Bill of Rights that address the issue. The founders are calling it "hate" to make the issue emotional, which gains public support, versus using logic, which leaves people unmoved in the face of truth. Regarding "State backs cheerleaders' biblical signs" (Page A1, Thursday), thanks to Gov. Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott for standing front and center about the decisions of the Kountze school district decision to ban banners that reflect belief in God. The state should counter sue Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation for all the public funds used to bring this issue to the courts. Regarding "Going or coming, I-10 no longer a parking lot" (Page A1, Oct. 12), it's hard to believe you could write a story on how the I-10 expansion has made driving the Katy Freeway so much more pleasant for all of us without even mentioning U.S. Rep. John Culberson, a Houston Republican, and how instrumental he was in making it happen.

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